Wednesday, April 11, 2007


The base elements of her body (Air, Earth, Fire, and Water) are not completely bound together as a normal living creatures. This allows her to exert different elements and their properties, converting her body into a variety of elemental forms.

Single Elemental Forms

By far the easiest to change to, she simply allows one element to escape its binding overtaking the others. Changing into a single elemental form, or switching between forms can be done a move-equivalent action. This can be sped up to a free action but requires a Will save with DC 20


By allowing the air element within her body to take over, she can access a variety of abilities. In this form her hair becomes white, skin pale, and eyes bright sky blue.

  • Str. -4, Dex. +6; Becomes extremely agile, but loses substance, strength and physical power.
  • Gains a fly speed of 100 ft, with perfect maneuverability.
  • Type changes to elemental. Gains immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis and stunning. Does not eat, sleep or breath.
  • Darkvision 60 ft.
  • Electricity and Cold Resistance 5
  • Air Mastery (Ex): Airborne creatures take a -1 penalty on attack and damage rolls against her.
  • Gains a +2 racial bonus to Intuit Direction Checks
  • Gains Auran as a bonus language.

By allowing the earth element within her body to take over, she can access a variety of abilities. In this form her hair becomes brown, skin darker with glittering specks, and eyes dark brown.

  • Str. +8, Dex. -6; Becomes extremely strong, but loses speed and agility.
  • Speed is reduced to 20 ft.
  • Type changes to elemental. Gains immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis and stunning. Does not eat, sleep or breath.
  • Darkvision 60 ft.
  • Gains a natural armor bonus of +6
  • Acid Resistance 5
  • Earth Mastery (Ex): Gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rools if both she and her foe are touching the ground. If an opponent is airborne or waterborne, she takes a -4 penalty on attack and damage rolls.
  • Earth Glide (Ex): Can glide through stone, dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except metal as easily as a fish swims through water. This burrowing leaves no tunnel or hole, nor does is create any ripple or other signs of its presence. A move earth spell cast on the area flings her back 30 ft., and stuns her for 1 round unless she succeeds on a DC 15 Fortitude save.
  • Tremorsense (Ex): Can sense the locations of any targets touching the ground within 60 ft.
  • Gains use of the Improved Bull Rush feat
  • Gains Terran as a bonus language.

By allowing the fire element within her body to take over, she can access a variety of abilities. In this form her hair becomes flickering orange flame, skin bright orange, and eyes bright blue flames.

  • Dex. +2; Gains the quickness of a dancing flame
  • Speed is increased to 40 ft.
  • Type changes to elemental. Gains immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis and stunning. Does not eat, sleep or breath.
  • Darkvision 60 ft.
  • Gains fire immunity, but is vulnerable to cold, taking an extra 50% damage from cold attacks.
  • Burn (Ex): All attacks deal an additional 1d4 fire damage. Those hit by attacks must succeed on a reflex save, or catch fire. The flame burns for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is 10, plus her level, plus her Charisma modifier. Creatures hitting her with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage as though hit by her attacks, and also catch fire unless they succeed on a Reflex save. Damage increases with HD, dealing 1d6 damage at 4 HD, 1d8 at 8 HD, 1d10 at 12 HD, 2d6 at 16 HD, and maxing out at 2d8 with 20 HD.
  • Gains Ignan as a bonus language.

By allowing the water element within her body to take over, she can access a variety of abilities. In this form her hair becomes white froth, skin pale semitransparent blue, and eyes bright deep sea green.

  • Str. +2; Gains the power of a rushing wave
  • Gains a swim speed of 90 ft. Gains a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. Can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. Can use the run action while swimming, providing she swims in a straight line.
  • Type changes to elemental. Gains immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis and stunning. Does not eat, sleep or breath.
  • Darkvision 60 ft.
  • Cold Resistance 5
  • Water Mastery (Ex): Gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls if both she and her foe are touching the water. If she or an opponent is touching the ground, she takes a -4 penalty on attack and damage rolls.
  • Drench (Ex): her touch can put out torches, campfires, exposed lanterns, and other open flames of non-magical origin if these are of Large size or smaller. She can also dispel magical fires as dispel magic (caster level equals her HD).
  • Gains Aquan as a bonus language.

Double Combination Elemental Forms

Far trickier than the single elemental forms, these forms require her to unleash two elements, keeping them in balance with each other. Changing into a double combination form requires a full round action to achieve, and a will save against DC 15. A failure on this save means she has lost the balance and instead changed into a single elemental form (50% chance of either). The process can be sped up to a move-equivalent action (DC increases to 25), or even a free action (DC 35)


By exerting both the air and water elements within her body, and balancing both together, she can access a variety of abilities. In this form her hair becomes white, skin pale translucent blue, and eyes frosted blue. Appears frozen

  • Str. +2, Dex. +2; Gains the speed and power of a winter storm.
  • Type changes to elemental. Gains immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis and stunning. Does not eat, sleep or breath.
  • Darkvision 60 ft.
  • Gains cold immunity, but is vulnerable to fire, taking an extra 50% damage from fire attacks.
  • Chill Metal (Sp – at will): Can produce an identical effect to the spell by touch. In addition, melee weapons wielded by her transfer their cold damage to targets they strike.
  • Gains Auran and Aquan as bonus languages.

By exerting both the air and fire elements within her body, and balancing both together, she can access a variety of abilities. In this form her hair becomes a mass of blue electric arcs, skin palegrey, and eyes electric blue.

  • Dex. +4; Gains the quickness of a lightning strike.
  • Gains a fly speed of 50 ft. with good maneuverability.
  • Type changes to elemental. Gains immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis and stunning. Does not eat, sleep or breath.
  • Darkvision 60 ft.
  • Gains immunity to electricity
  • Shock (Ex): All attacks deal an additional 1d6 electrical damage. Creatures hitting her with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take electrical damage as though hit by her attacks, and also catch fire unless they succeed on a Reflex save. Damage increases with HD, dealing an additional 1d6 damage at 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20 HD.
  • Gains Auran and Ignan as bonus languages.

By exerting both the earth and fire elements within her body, and balancing both together, she can access a variety of abilities. In this form her hair becomes flickering orange, skin blackened, and eyes deep red.

  • Str. +6, Dex. -2; Gains the power of a volcano
  • Type changes to elemental. Gains immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis and stunning. Does not eat, sleep or breath.
  • Darkvision 60 ft.
  • Gains a natural armor bonus of +6
  • Gains fire immunity, but is vulnerable to cold, taking an extra 50% damage from cold attacks.
  • Burn (Ex): All attacks deal an additional 1d4 fire damage. Those hit by attacks must succeed on a reflex save, or catch fire. The flame burns for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is 10, plus her level, plus her Charisma modifier. Creatures hitting her with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage as though hit by her attacks, and also catch fire unless they succeed on a Reflex save. Damage increases with HD, dealing 1d6 damage at 4 HD, 1d8 at 8 HD, 1d10 at 12 HD, 2d6 at 16 HD, and maxing out at 2d8 with 20 HD.
  • Gains Ignan and Terran as bonus languages.

By exerting both the earth and water elements within her body, and balancing both together, she can access a variety of abilities. In this form her hair becomes black, skin grey, and eyes black. Appears to be covered in goo

  • Str. +4; Gains the power of a volcano
  • Speed is reduced to 20 ft., Gains a climb speed of 20 ft. Gains a +8 racial bonus to climb checks, and though she must make rolls to climb, she can choose to take 10 even if rushed or threatened.
  • Type changes to elemental. Gains immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis and stunning. Does not eat, sleep or breath.
  • Blindsight 60 ft.
  • Gains immunity to acid.
  • Acid (Ex): Her body secretes a powerful acid that deals 1d6 damage to everything except stone. Wielded weapons transfer this damage to targets.
  • Gains a +4 racial bonus to Move Silently checks.
  • Gains Aquan and Terran as bonus languages.

Single Elemental Reduction Forms

Extremely difficult, single elemental reduction forms require the suppression of a single element within her body. Trying to hold just one element in check requires great skill to achieve, but provides a variety of strange abilities. These forms are not considered elementals, but alternate forms of life.

Changing into a double combination form requires a full round action to achieve, and a will save against DC 25. A failure on this save means she has lost the balance and instead changed into the single elemental form of the type she was trying to suppress.


By suppressing the air element within her body, she can access a variety of abilities. In this form her hair becomes segmented metallic plates, skin jointed metallic armor, and eyes black.

  • Str. +12, Dex. -4, Con. --, Cha -2; Gains great strength and power but agility and expression.
  • Speed is reduced to 20 ft.,
  • Type changes to construct. Gains immunity to all mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, death from massive damage, and necromancy effects. Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain. Immune to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects). Does not heal normally, but can be healed. Does not eat, sleep or breath.
  • Gains 20 bonus hit points
  • Darkvision 60 ft.
  • Gains a natural armor bonus of +8
  • Gains Damage Reduction 10/+1
  • Is vulnerable to rust attacks, such as that of a rust monster or rusting grasp spell.

By suppressing the earth element within her body, she can access a variety of abilities. In this form her hair and skin become shadowy and transparent.

  • Str. --, Dex. +4, Cha. +2; Gains great presence and maneuverability.
  • Type changes to outsider (incorporeal). Has no physical body and can only be harmed by magic weapons and effects, with a 50% chance to ignore any damage from a corporeal source. Does not eat or sleep.
  • Darkvision 60 ft.
  • Gains her Charisma modifier as a deflection bonus to AC.
  • Dimension Door (Sp) – at will: As the spell. Caster level is equal to her HD.

By suppressing the water element within her body, she can access a variety of abilities. In this form her hair becomes dry and limp, skin pale and drawn, and eyes dull grey.

  • Str. +8, Con: --, Cha -2; becomes unnaturally strong, but somewhat twisted.
  • Type changes to Undead. Gains immunity to all mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, and death from massive damage. Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, physical ability damage (Str., Dex., and Con.), ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain. Immune to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects). Does not eat, sleep or breath.
  • Darkvision 60 ft.
  • Gains a natural armor bonus of +5
  • Gains fast healing 1, increasing by one per round for every 4 HD.
  • Fear Aura (Su): Creatures of equal or less HD than she in a 60 foot radius that look at her must succeed on a Will save or be affected as though by a fear spell from a sorcerer of her level. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by her aura for 24 hours.
  • Turn Resistance (Ex): She has +4 turn resistance.
  • Gains a +4 racial bonus to Intimidate checks.

By suppressing the fire element within her body, she can access a variety of abilities. In this form her hair becomes green leafy vines, skin smooth pale bark, and eyes bright amber.

  • Str. +4, Cha. +2; becomes unnaturally strong.
  • Type changes to Plant. Gains immunity to all mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, polymorphing and stunning. Not subject to critical hits. Does not sleep.
  • Low Light Vision.
  • Gains a natural armor bonus of +3
  • Gains regeneration 2, stopped by acid and fire. Increases by one for every 4 HD.
  • Wild Empathy (Ex): functions like the druid’s class feature, but she has a +4 racial bonus on the roll.
  • Spell-like Abilities (Sp): At will – speak with plants, tree stride
  • Gains a +8 racial bonus to hide in wooded environments.
  • Gains Sylvan and Druidic as bonus languages

Opposing Elemental Combination Forms

By far the most difficult, opposing elemental combination forms require the exertion and balancing of two opposing elements within her body. Trying to hold the opposing forces in check requires enormous skill to achieve, but provides a variety of powerful abilities.

Changing into a opposing elemental combination form requires a full round action to achieve, and a will save against DC 35. A failure on this save means she has lost the balance and instead changed into the single elemental form of one of the elements (50% chance of either). Once the form has been achieved, it can be maintained for a number of rounds equal to her character level plus her Constitution modifier.


By carefully exerting the air and earth elements within her body, she can access a variety of powerful abilities. In this form she appears to be made of semi-transparent crystal that diffuses and refracts light.

  • Str. +8, Dex. +4; Becomes extremely powerful and graceful.
  • Gains a fly speed of 50 ft. (perfect maneuverability).
  • Type changes to elemental. Gains immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis and stunning. Does not eat, sleep or breath.
  • Darkvision 60 ft.
  • Gains immunity to Force and force effects. Can automatically pass through a wall of force.
  • Gains a deflection bonus to AC equal to her Charisma modifier
  • Gains a natural armor bonus of +10
  • Gains Damage Reduction 15/+5
  • Blur (Ex): the whirling patterns of light refracting off the crystal create an effect identical to the spell, providing a 20% miss chance.

By carefully exerting the fire and water elements within her body, she can access a variety of powerful abilities. In this form her hair and eyes appear as a mass of bright swirling colors, and skin swirls with multiple tones..

  • Str. +2, Dex. +4, Cha: +6; Becomes physically powerful, with an awesome presence.
  • Speed increases to 50 ft.
  • Type changes to elemental. Gains immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis and stunning. Does not eat, sleep or breath.
  • Darkvision 60 ft.
  • Gains Spell Resistance equal to 15 plus her character level.
  • Gains a deflection bonus to AC equal to her Charisma modifier
  • Gains Damage Reduction 10/+5
  • Prismatic Aura (Ex): All of her attacks have an additional effect as per the following table (roll 1d6):
    1. Red: Deals 1d4 fire damage per 4 HD. The target must succeed on a reflex save, or catch fire. The flame burns for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is 10, plus her level, plus her Charisma modifier.
    2. Orange: Deals 1d4 acid damage per 4 HD
    3. Yellow: Deals 1d6 electricity damage per 4 HD.
    4. Green: Poison that deals 1d4 Constitution (Fortitude negates)
    5. Blue: Causes paralysis for 1d6 rounds (fortitude negates).
    6. Violet: Insanity (1d4 wisdom damage; will negates)

The save DC for all effects is 10, plus her level, plus her Charisma modifier. In addition, all creatures with 10 fewer HD than her, that view her within 30 ft. are automatically blinded for 1d6 rounds. Creatures hitting her with natural weapons or unarmed attacks are affected by a random effect from the table.

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